Introduction...Mark Herman is a distinguished American theatre organist who has performed hundreds of solo concerts and silent film presentations across the United States and internationally. He received the prestigious American Theatre Organ Society’s Organist of the Year award in 2012, becoming the youngest recipient in the society's history.
Featured on American Public Media’s Pipedreams and at conventions for various organ societies, Mark has toured internationally in Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, and the UK. His work has been showcased on television and in films, including a notable 2019 organ cameo with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Renowned for his period-authentic film scores, he composed and recorded new scores for The Criterion Collection's Harold Lloyd Blu-ray release in 2019. Mark studied theatre organ with John Ferguson and classical piano with Christine Freeman. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts/Management from DePaul University. Residing in Los Angeles, he is the President of Herman Organ Company, leading a talented team in the museum-quality restoration and care of historic pipe organs. |
Silent Film Scoring and CompositionAn avid fan of film music and history, Mark is regarded as an accomplished silent film scorer and accompanist, drawing from historic approaches to silent film accompaniment, often composing and assembling scores from the ground up. His arrangements have been heard both on television and in motion pictures.
Consulting & RestorationMark's specialty has always been making organs sound good, whether through performance, registration, voicing, tuning, or installation planning. He has worked with over a hundred institutional and private clients to plan, install, or improve organ installations across the country. As a technician, he leads a talented team of organ technicians working to restore theatre pipe organs nationally at Herman Organ Company.